
Is this a free listing?
Yes, we now offer free listings for businesses that meet the requirements outlined below.

What type of businesses can submit a listing?
We accept listings from businesses with a valid, functioning website. Examples include e-commerce stores, service providers, and corporate websites.

Are there any industries that are not allowed?
Yes, businesses from gambling, adult content, illegal services, or other restricted industries are not eligible for submission.

Do you accept websites outside Asia?
No, we only accept websites that operate within Asia.

What information do I need to provide for my listing?
To submit a listing, you must include:

  • Business name
  • Website URL
  • Contact details
  • A short, accurate description of your services

Can I submit a temporary or inactive business?
No, only genuine and operational businesses are accepted. Temporary or inactive businesses will not qualify.

What are the requirements for the listing description?
Your description should be:

  • Professional and relevant to your business
  • Non-spammy and free from promotional or low-quality content

How long will the free listing last?
Free listings will remain active for 6 months, after which you may choose to renew or upgrade your listing. For further assistance, please contact us.

Can my listing be reviewed or updated?
Free listings will be reviewed in 1-2 months to ensure they meet our guidelines and maintain quality. Businesses may also update their details during this time. For paid plans, listings are reviewed and approved within 24 hours.